In the car, she's always reaching out to hold her brother's hand or just rest her hand on his arm. When she was tiny, he would feed her a bottles in the car when nothing else would keep her from wailing. As she grew, he'd hand her toys or fruit snacks; he'd distract her by pointing out birds flying …
A Self-Love Reading List for the New Year
A few weeks ago, a sweet friend invited our family over for dinner. She made an amazing meal, complete with jarred food from her summer garden, surrounded by home projects she had made herself. She has more kids than I do and seemed totally good with that. Heavens, the apron she wore was probably …
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Turning 30, “settling down,” and ringing in the new
I turned 30 this week. The day passed without a lot of fanfare. It was our son's first day at a new school, so my heart was walking around in a first-grade classroom all day. (These fun pictures are from our anniversary date back in December.) I realized on the last night of my twenties that the …
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2014 Wrap-up & Thank You!
It was a productive year here at Let Why Lead! I did a re-design, wrote 9 articles for other sites, finally started a newsletter, made some wonderful new friends and connections, hosted round two of the Marriage Diaries, got quoted in the WSJ, and published 122 posts. Phew! (All for barely any money …
Best of TED 2014 | 7 Amazing Talks for Purposeful Women
I enjoyed curating my list of 12 Must-See TEDs for Purposeful Women so much that I decided to do it again with TED's latest offerings. They've had so many great talks in the last year, and I've loved the challenge of listening and narrowing down the list to my absolute favorites. Covering …
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Changes! Plus, This Mama is One Step Closer to Being a Bona Fide SAHM
After six and half years here in our two-bedroom apartment... After bringing all three of our babies home to the same place... THIS happened! We bought our first home and are moving an hour south to start phase two of our family's life! I'm operating in a state of overwhelm at the idea of …
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