In case you find yourself with a tiny bit of free time over this long weekend, here are a couple of articles I really appreciated this week.
The Pleasure Trap from Psychology Today – This article helped me evaluate my life in terms of doing things for pleasure (watching an episode of Revenge, for example) and teaching myself to find joy. I love the concept that joy is something you basically train yourself to find. It comes from within. Its application to relationships is also brillinat. “No amount of external elements—admiration, affection, conversation, sex—will ever be enough to satisfy a person whose internal compass does not point to joy.”
The Important Thing about Yelling – This was an inspiring message for me, coincidentally on a topic I’ve been thinking about lately (not necessarily about yelling, but more about how we talk to our kids). I can remember looking at my parents with those same big eyes when I would knock over my drink at the dinner table. Since becoming a parent, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s impossible not to be bothered when kids accidentally spill things for the hundredth time. And when kids do the opposite of what we’ve been trying to teach, it is easier to roll our eyes or say “Why would you do that?!” instead of letting a natural consequence do the teaching (minus the shaming). A few weeks ago it occurred to me that my older son has become very sensitive to my tone, so I’m trying to be more deliberate with what I say and how I say it. Anyway, enough rambling, just go read the article. 🙂
Also, if you have a second, hop over to facebook to enter my little poll on whether you or your spouse is more conservative with the kids’ screen time.
And last, I want to tell each of you that I love you for reading this hobby blog of mine, but maybe that is a little weird. Nonetheless, it’s true! THANK YOU! Enjoy your long weekend!
Photo credit goes to my talented friend Angelica Hagman.
So, I probably will not do any reading this weekend. But, this is an adorable pic!
I read that blog about yelling before you posted this! Its a good one. Always nice to have something to think about a be a little better with.
OH Erica…the yelling article! I needed that. I always wondered why my tone got so negative when milk is spilled. You nailed it right on the head with your kind and understanding explanation. I also loved what you said about joy. As you may know, dwell on joy has a special meaning to me. It’s my mantra, that no matter what bad situations we face, we need to dwell on the joy that may be there in the midst or because of it. Wonderful post, Let Why Lead is always a pleasure for me to read 🙂 Especially with my morning coffee to start the day!