Once you become a mother, you will hear certain statements on repeat, but from a different mother every time.
“I’m so glad she takes a pacifier.”
“I feel like I never stop nursing.”
“Did my kid just hit yours?”
“How will we ever get rid of that pacifier?”
And the one I’ll touch on today—”I should write that down.”
We moms think and say it all the time. During those blissful moments when Trenton curls up alongside my body while we lie on his bed signing songs before the lights go off or when little Chase looks up into my eyes to ask a sincere but one-worded question, I wish I could relive the moment again and again and never forget.
And let’s not forget the obvious: Kids are hilarious. When Trenton eyes my upper body while we’re reading stories and tells me, “I like your nice bumps,” I laugh and feel like I could never forget that statement. But I know better. Trenton says things that make me laugh out loud daily, but not every day can I remember them even by the time Ryan comes home from work. And I’m shooting to remember them a lot longer than the length of one day.
I know it is nothing revolutionary, but about six months ago I created a Google Document called “Things They Say.” I often keep it open in one of my browser’s tabs, so that when someone says or does something memorable, I can dash over and add a bullet. Or at night, after they’re tucked snug in their beds, I open it up and fill in anything I can remember from the last week or two.
(In case you’ve never used Google Docs, it looks basically like Word, but the files are stored online and can be accessed anywhere. You can also allow people to view or contribute to your documents.)
I keep one section for Trenton…
And one for Chase.
I don’t show you these expecting you to read the text (although I won’t mind if you do). I wanted to give you a visual of how simple this method is. It is nothing fancy. Just quick and convenient. Sometimes that is all you need.
Possibly my favorite thing about it is that I’ve invited my parents and in-laws to view the document any time they want. If you have a mother-in-law like mine who eats up anything your children say, she will adore you!
I remember my sister jotting down her baby’s new words as she said them on a calendar hanging in her kitchen. If she said “kitty” for the first time on Tuesday, “kitty” was added to Tuesday’s little box. Do you have a method for preserving the things your children say?
I love this! I have a little notepad on my phone that I whip out when Olivia says or does something especially funny. Usually I use it in the days prior to a blog post about her development (I know, I'm weird that I plan these things!) because I can't seem to remember any of her quirks when I stare at a blank computer screen. I like to scroll through the older ones and laugh about the things I've forgotten already- some of them only weeks old.
BUT! I love the idea of a Google Doc! Even better and more permanent than a phone list! I'm probably going to have to copy you.
I just have some sticky notes by the computer. I've been trying to be better about writing stuff down right away. It is fun to look back. I also recently started my "tender mercies" notebook, where I write down each day the tender parts of my day- the moments I feed on when things aren't going so well.
I have a book for each of my boys – but NEED to update them! I just found your blog, but I LOVE it! Awarded you the Liebster Blog: http://www.dwellonjoy.com/2012/02/dwell-on-friday-six.html
Your phones is PERFECT. If I had one that did anything other than make calls and passable texts, I would do it too. I will file that idea away for future reference.
I love the idea of "tender mercies" notebook. (Elder Eyring's idea, right?) I heard Julie Beck speak recently and felt prompted to start a similar one. now I just need to get on it!
I love your google doc idea! You're going to have to teach me about that this summer. (3 mos & counting.. can't wait!)
Using google docs is a great idea! Courtney gave us a little book called, "My Quotable Kid." We use it to write the cute things the boys say, but sometimes by the time I get around to it I've already forgotten what they said. I might have to steal your idea and then transfer the quotes to the book when I get a chance.
That is such a sweet idea! You're so right that we think things like "I'll never forget this"…but we do. I'm not a mom yet, but experience that with other areas of my life. It's so cool that you share it with the grandparents, too–they must get a kick out of it! 🙂