For every five times I look around my suddenly messy home and think, How do they do it?, one of those times I think, I’m going to miss this someday. I’d like to think the latter more and the former less. I want to slow down and savor these days, because I know they’ll be gone before I know it.
Here are some common sights from my home that—when I’m in the right frame of mind—make me smile.
Try as I might to encourage the boys to “park” their bikes neatly next to the house, our patio is usually strewn with bikes, balls, and ride-on toys.
A toothbrush down the drain. Would you believe that there are actually two down there? One went down about a week before the other. The drain still works, so we haven’t made time to open the pipes yet to remove them. Soon, hopefully. . .
Yogurt-covered raisins in the fireplace. The gas fireplace doesn’t work; we’ve never had it on in the four years we’ve lived here. So Chase uses it as his personal stash cache. I have found so many things between those two logs! Dusty kitchen utensils, baby spoons, matchbox race cars, and—would you believe it?—another toothbrush! (Why he likes to hide toothbrushes so much, I do not know!)
More toys stacked on top of toy storage than in it. Some nights after being tucked in, Chase goes right to sleep. Other nights, he decides to play in their shared room for up to two hours! Enter Mom, stacking as many toys as possible out of his reach so he’ll give up and go to sleep!
Your turn! What regular sights around your home drive you crazy some days and make you smile others?
*Alternate title for this post: “Pretending I Have Instagram.” Maybe someday I will join the rest of the world and get a real phone!
Linked up with Southern Mama & Wife.
This post makes me smile because all of the above (minus the fireplace, because we don’t have one) happens at our house. We also always have a tub full of toys and Oreos stuffed in toy cars. 🙂
Thank, Kristi! Oreos stuffed in toy cars? I need to come over to your house! 🙂
Thank you so much for linking up! I have so many sights around my house! haha
I’m glad you commented, Ashley, because I almost forgot to link up on my end. Thanks!
Precious post. I can relate!
we had to take all the toys out of our boys room for that very reason :-/
I know! Just last night after I posted this, my son played with the few toys I had within his reach in their room for two hours! I kept taking things away, but that little guy is resourceful! Thank so much for commenting; I’m excited to check out your blog!
Oh Erica! I love this post! I can relate with three boys! And don’t worry – I thought I got a real phone a year ago: a pre-paid phone BUT touchscreen AND and Android nonetheless! But…of course…I’ve been waiting for Instagram to come to Android forEVER and now that it’s here…it’s not supported by my phone’s apparently outdated data plan or whatever. Boo! When I do make the leap into a new phone – I’m going with the IPhone so it can replace my phone, point and shoot camera, videocamera, AND it has games to entertain the kids when we’re sitting at various baseball games, etc! A true multi-tasker!!!
Hey Sarah! I like the idea of a prepaid phone a lot. But yes, the multi-tasking capabilities on an iphone cannot be beat! One of these days… 🙂
Erica – I love this post!!! I just wish my kids’ rooms looked this great!! I so wish I had your style! Thanks for sharing.
And, I wanted you to know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Read more about here on my post: