Last Friday I did something unprecedented: I checked out library books for my boys.
For most people I imagine that is not a big deal. But considering my spacey-ness, I don’t get along very well with library books. By the time I pay the fines, it would have been cheaper to have ordered the book on amazon! And if I don’t trust myself with library books, I can’t imagine trusting my toddlers!
But after reading every children’s book we own approximately ninety times, I decided it was finally time to come home with books from one of our library outings. What a concept!
The borrowed books led to me pulling out the thrift store shelves I’ve had for months, which, once installed, became the official home of all library books. The new shelves led to me wiping down every surface in the room, which led to me vacuuming under the bed, which led to me putting the winter clothes away. (If you give a mouse a cookie . . .) And naturally, all that cleaning led to me taking pictures of their room. Because clearly, a children’s room this clean NEEDS to be photographed! So while it is not always this tidy, here is their room at its best:
The room started out in whites and neutrals because (a) I like serene nurseries and (b) we didn’t find out Trenton’s gender until the birth. Now that Trenton and Chase are full-on, rough-and-tumble boys, I wouldn’t mind adding some pops of color, but to be honest, the room isn’t high on the priority list because I am happy with it as it is. It functions so well for us. Trenton’s daybed, handed down from my in-laws, has a trundle for any overnight guests. The craigslist glider that I have dreams of reupholstering has held all three of us for more storytimes than I can count. The Ikea armoire (pictured at the bottom of this post) contains our modest toy collection perfectly. And you’ve seen their closet before.
But even more important than how it looks or even how it functions is how we feel while we’re in it. I remember the dozens of times Ryan and I gravitated to this room when we were expecting Trenton. The crib was assembled and the closet starting to fill with baby shower gifts. We would often find ourselves sitting in this room, just talking about life and marveling at the miracle we would soon hold in our arms. Now we find ourselves in this room late most nights, stealing one last look at our peacefully sleeping boys before it all starts again the next day. It is hard to believe we ever sat in there without them!
I love that space because it reminds me of who I am. I am a mother. To two beautiful, hilarious, rambunctious little ones. (So far.) Even though I have plenty of days when I want to run and hide, I dreamed all my life of a room just like this. I hope my boys can feel it when they’re in there.
Regardless of whether you feel your child’s room is “finished” from a decorating standpoint, is it as special of a place as you want it to be?
Linked up with the Better Mom, Grace at Home, Passionate and Creative Homemaking, and Thrifty Decor Chick.
We, too, sat in wonder in the nursery chair before our first daughter was born. I can remember it well! My girls are in separate rooms right now, and our summer project will be to combine their sleeping room once the little one transitions to her toddler bed. I am looking forward to that from an organizing standpoint, yet a little part of me is reluctant to say goodbye to my younger daughter’s nursery, where we spent her first two-plus years rocking her, watching her sleep, and getting to know this beautiful child God gave us. Isn’t it silly? I’m so sentimental.
This is such a sweet post! We don’t have kids yet, but I can only imagine what a special place a nursery will be before and after the babies arrive. Enjoy those library books–some of my very best memories with my parents include them reading to us. 🙂
Thanks, Erin! The books have already been SUCH a breath of fresh air. I cannot tell you how many times I have read “Go Dogs Go!” haha Thanks for stopping by!
Ethan’s room is a mess–thanks to me. But that mess is Connor’s clothes sorted into boxes. Now to get them put away. Great lookin’ room!
It always gets worse before it gets better! 🙂 Good luck!
My kids room definitely needs a revamp- but I’m not sure how to make it any better with three kids in there! If nothing else, we need to clear something out, but there’s no where for it to go :/ Oh well! Someday!!! :0)
I’m impressed! Good, good work. And, there’s nothing like an outing to the public library. Have you checked out ‘storytime’ for toddlers?? XOX
So funny that you thought to take a picture once the room was clean. Beautiful room by the way. I actually used a slightly messy picture of my son’s room on my blog because I could never catch the room on a good day! I agree with you about kids’ rooms being special places. Before my first son was born I would go into his future room and sit. Even now, as messy as they can be, I find both of my boys’ rooms to be two of the best places in the house. There is something so comforting about being in there, surrounded by all their stuff. Childhood is just so precious!