I’ve had the kind of week where everything that can go wrong, does.
Although it is beside the point, I’ll just tell you that we discovered a long-time leak behind our kitchen wall when brown liquid started pooling on the kitchen floor and in the adjoining carpet. Then the sewage from the building I manage began backing up into the boiler room and the community garage. And I mean inches of sewage. Add to that about a hundred stinky diapers (I still love you, Quinn) and a toilet that the boys clogged by filling with toilet paper (I still love you, too, boys), I feel like I will never be clean again. Sadly, that isn’t even all of it!
BUT—back to my point. This has been the kind of week that makes you think you are not living the life you were meant to live. I have been fighting my inner teenager so hard. Do you have one, too? My inner teenager thinks adulthood means living in a beautiful, perfectly “you” home, picking fresh produce from the garden under the sun, and lounging on the patio with a notebook and a pen, writing to her heart’s content. Oh and then going inside to cook something fabulous for dinner (which those very tame children of hers would definitely love) and then trying out yet another chocolate chip cookie recipe. (Wow, I’m starting to really like my inner teenager. Girl’s some good ideas!)
Anyway, my real life involves a lot of plumbing problems and pretty much nothing in that imagined life. So I start asking questions like, “Why am I still managing this building? How else can I make money? Why do I not have time to cook anymore, let alone get to the grocery store!? Why is there a giant tarp on the patio (hello randomness that drives me crazy), and why can I not fit another thing into the boys’ closet??”
Oh my word, I’m thinking too hard.
Then I sat down at my desk and noticed a sentence I had jotted down several days ago. I had been touched by my husband’s words in a prayer at the end of the day, and I’d wanted to remember them.
“We’re thankful for our beautiful, beautiful, beautiful children and the context they give to our lives.”
And suddenly, the rest of it doesn’t matter quite so much.
I have a boy who is convinced he is a cheetah and always says “got-for” instead of “forgot.” I have another boy who swallowed his gum the other day when his teacher called him out on it. (I WISH I could have seen that moment!) And I have a baby who is content to pull on her sock and make happy growls on our walk to see some pumpkins.
The walls aren’t crashing down. Next week will be better. Life is good.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
You too? This is so timely for me, Erica! Thanks for the perspective reminder! Love you!
Hi Ashely! I’m sorry you’ve had a yucky week too! I wish we could just let the kids run amuck at a park while we took turns venting! Good luck with everything, and have a good weekend!
I needed this because it was a tough week at our house, too, though I must say yours takes the cake! I had a similar vision of adulthood, in that my vision was nothing like what adulthood (and parenthood) is in reality. It is amazing, though, how our children (and husbands!) remind us how beautiful life really is, even in the midst of a bunch of sewage 🙂
I could not have said it better myself! “Even in the midst of a bunch of sewage.” Hahaha. I’m grateful that my problems this week were both temporary and temporal. I know it could be a lot worse, but no matter what, the reminder of what matters does make a huge difference. I feel a lot lighter now than I did a couple days ago. Wishing us both a better upcoming week! Thanks, Katie!
Your kids are so so darling! They are so lucky to have you for a mama. This is a great post. I think about this all the time! When you are younger you think everyone older than you (adults) have it all figure out…but then you become an adult and you realize that is far from the truth. I think I should be traveling and gardening and going on fun adventures with my family…but the reality is more like stay home all day in yoga pants and do laundry. Sigh. 🙂 With that being said, it’s never too late to change your course and shake things up.
So sorry to hear about your rough week. I definitely go through times like this that, as you stated, lead me to question EVERYTHING. But, life is good. Even when it’s not as good as it could be, it’s still good because we are blessed. Here’s to a better week for you next week!
Thanks, Alana! That’s why I haven’t emailed you back yet, but I will! I’m intrigued by the title of your most recent post, linked here – so I’m headed over to your place to check it out! 🙂
Beautiful post, Erica. Sorry you’ve been dealing with that nightmare, though!
I actually haven’t had TOO crazy of a week but I had to comment because as I read the line from your husband’s prayer, I definitely teared up. Thank you for the reminder that despite the hard moments, I truly am so deeply grateful and love my children. I love all the beautiful things you write about, Erica!
I couldn’t stop scrolling up and down, looking at the beautiful photos of the pumpkins, and your children (when did Quinn get so big?) Then I realized how nicely that beauty in photos corresponded with your message about keeping our eyes on what’s important, even in the midst of sewage. I was so sorry to hear about all those problems, by the way, and since I’ve lived there, I can really visualize it. I hope things are turning around for the better now. Thanks for the lovely post.
Hi Leigh! I do love knowing that you know EXACTLY what my life looks like here. I don’t think anyone knows it better than you do, because you have pretty much lived it! 🙂
We miss you guys here so much! It is seriously a lot more boring without you! And I have so little desire to do trick or treating around here without you, but we probably still will. (I better text Pany.)
Anyway, the week is over and things are looking up… I hope you guys enjoy your weekend and do some fun trick or treating in your neighborhood later this week! (What’s Clara going to be?)
Sounds like we all had that kind of week! Yours takes the cake though.
I had a surprise root canal on Tuesday, a fun zoo day (even hubby got to come) on Wednesday, and then stayed up til midnight/woke up at 4 am for an EEG for my preschooler. I sure wish tomorrow wasn’t ub scout day camp! But alas, when you look at the grand perspective, its nothing. I don’t know why/how but I’ve been trying to be more positive in my life and not let things bother me so much. I must say its working wonders so far.
Hang in there. Hope life gets less “crappy!” <– I couldn't resist.
Hey Liz! It’s the worst when your better half has be to gone on a Saturday! Especially after a full and not-always-fun (hello root canal!) week. Good luck finishing off the day, and hopefully you can catch a nap tomorrow??! Love, E
What a week — hang in there! We are all rooting for you!
I love that you jotted down a phrase from an ordinary prayer, and I love that it inspired you later. Thanks as always for the good, positive thoughts in my RSS reader!
Thank you, Beth! Everyone’s sweet, supportive comments really sealed the deal on helping me turn this week around. I do know that I have so much to be grateful for, most importantly, the health and wellbeing of my family. I’m so glad you are uplifted by what I write here – Hearing that really encourages me to keep at it, so thank you! Have some fun this weekend with those cute kiddos of yours!
Wishing I was there and we could go get frozen yogurt or something! Thank heavens for new weeks!
Thanks, Lisa! I wish you were too! Also, I’m going to need to know where you guys are right now? Did you end up in ID or UT? I was confused based on Chad’s business card. (But congrats either way!)
We’re in Idaho, but the company is Utah based (so the address is for headquarters). A bit confusing! We’re in the process of buying a house here, so we’re busy and excited. Hopefully this week is starting out better than last!
We adults make life so complicated! Lucky us parents having kids that remind us to laugh at little things.
Exactly, Abigail! We really are lucky to have them constantly reminding us of the little joys. The other day we were running late for school, and my son paused like it was ESSENTIAL to pick and blow a dandelion. Point taken!
It’s great to hear from you, girl! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Ahhhh, so good to remember! You have great perspective. Bad things just don’t disappear but attitude is important. I can’t believe that T. had gum in school! Sorry! The kids are so cute!!!
This makes me so happy. Sad, and then happy. Sorry for you that you had such a terrible week. But happy that you have a cute little beautiful family. I love each of you!
You know what Erica, I too used to swallow my gum in class when the teacher caught me chewing it. Too hilarious. I am glad that you were able to find context within the crazy confines of your week. I think that you are right… This upcoming week will be better.