“Delivering a knock knock joke. Last day of preschool. Childhood is magical.”
I will probably eventually get an instagram account for Let Why Lead, but for now, I just keep a quiet profile, mostly for close friends and family. So until I “go public,” I thought it would be fun to occasionally share some of the week’s pictures on Fridays. So here are a few keepers, captions included, from this week!
“Sometimes I’m just bursting to tell everyone how much I love this girl!”
“Tummy time! #bigbrothersmakethebestteachers #shortnecksgettiredquickly”
From my husband’s account, including his caption: “Finishing mile 77 and never felt better!”
Except there is no way I’d really survive to mile 77. He would! But not me. 🙂 Nonetheless, it was a great (and rare) datenight!
Last thing – You may have noticed I posted on Tuesday and Thursday this week, instead of my typical M/W/F posts. For the month of June, I’m going to experiment with T/Th posts, with the occasional fun Friday post. Thanks for reading! Now go do something fun!
The sweetest pictures of your family!! Have a blessed weekend!
Darling photos of your absolutely adorable kids!! Love seeing them grow up!! Even if it is through Instagram photos:)!
Your positive attitude lifts me up! Thanks!
I love InstaFriday and all those faces!