I sat criss-cross applesauce, old journals fanned out around me.
I was looking for evidence.
I knew it wouldn’t be hard to find, and it wasn’t.
Dated January of 2011:
“Today, at least, I am completely overwhelmed by my life. I’m in a continual state of shock at how much work this is. And how much more I wish I enjoyed it.”
My heart breaks for 2011 Erica. She spent years carrying those thoughts and feelings around like an ugly, heavy purse she could never set down.

Pages and pages later, in a whole ‘nother journal, that Erica wrote:
“But you know what? I’m the only one who can set me free.”
She was right, and—
She did set herself free.
I no longer move through the world feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, resentful—and guilty as all get-out for feeling all of the above!
In quiet moments in the middle of the night, I don’t worry anymore that I’m missing my life because I’m too busy just trying to keep up with it.
I still have my moments, but I have a lightness now that I couldn’t have imagined for myself back when I wrote those words in 2011.
Now, more than anything else, I want to get that lightness for you!
Which is why I’m thrilled to invite you into my new program…

Let Go: To Feel Light
From my decade of work with women around the world, I’ve observed six things that are universally dragging us down:
- Self-criticism
- Perfectionism
- People-Pleasing
- Resentment
- Overwhelm
- Reactivity
These six things are damaging our relationships, destroying our self-concepts, and just generally sucking all the FUN out of our lives!
The question then is—How do we get rid of them? (Like, yesterday!)
This is where Let Go comes in.
Out With the Old—In With the New
I’ll teach you my ridiculously simple (but honestly life-changing), 3-step process for transformation, and together—one month at a time—we’ll apply it to each of the six areas.
Not only will we let go of the old, we will become the new.
Together, we’ll move from…
- Self-Critical → Self-Accepting
- Perfection-Seeking → Self-Trusting
- People-pleasing → Authentic
- Resentful → Empowered
- Overwhelmed → Aligned
- Reactive → Proactive
SO much lighter, right?
5 Things Let Go Will Give You
- An easy relationship with your kids
- A calmer, happier home for your whole family
- Freedom from the overthinking that keeps you awake at night
- A willingness to disappoint others in order to honor your truest self
- Relief from the staggering pressure of doing all the things
Imagine a world—your home, your mind, your heart—that really looks like this.
You are 100% capable of creating it. Let me show you how.

Visit the landing page to learn more about how we’ll achieve this in our six months together, and be sure to jump in before registration closes the night of January 12th!
As this is our first session of Let Go, you’ll get the founding member rate—and be guaranteed this price should you choose to do another session come July. 🤍
I truly believe this is my best work yet and that it’s exactly what every overwhelmed, overburdened woman needs!
When I introduced Let Go on Instagram, a follower left this comment:

This is exactly why this work matters. I want to help every woman live with presence and joy—instead of stress and overwhelm—so that in the future, we don’t have to regret the way we did these years.
If you have a question, leave it in the comments, or look for the FAQs on the Let Go landing page.
I’ll see you on the inside!