A big welcome to my friend Paula from Beauty Through Imperfection! She kindly hosted me earlier this month {here}, and now I'm happy to have her sharing her voice here at Let Why Lead. Please give her a warm welcome! Perfection. It's a concept that our culture is somewhat obsessed with. …
First Moments
I promised myself I'd remember it this time. I promised myself I'd really feel and experience it. I promised myself that in those first moments of holding her, I would tell her everything I've been thinking for the past nine months. But then it happened. Her lungs filled with air and the world …
Welcome Baby Quinn!
In case you didn't catch my facebook photo yesterday, I'm happy to share that Quinn Leona has joined the family! She weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and is 22 inches long. We're contentedly home from the hospital and are getting readjusted to a life of no sleep! Introducing her to her brothers was …
Stories Make Life Shine: Five Minutes as a Mom
I can feel my mind swirling, shifting. "I'm a water guy!" "And I'm a soda guy! We give everyone yucky soda!" "Yeah! Get off the couch, Trenton, and I'll show you my trick." "No, I WON'T move! Ah! Stop, Chase!" "But I need some space! For my trick!" The elbows come out. I wonder who will get …
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Changing Family Dynamics by Adding a Baby
Now that we are THIS close to being a family of five, I thought I'd share a few moments and thoughts from our last few weeks as a family of four. No matter how many children you have— No matter how much younger your baby will be than the others— No matter how excited you are about the …
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Identity Beyond Motherhood
This post is a followup to my recent one on Motherhood as Identity. I recently stared composing a list in my head of things I say to my kids that may border on unusual. The list starts out innocuous enough . . . Please tell me I'm not the only one who frequently tells their children, "I'm your …