Dear 18-year-old me, High school was good to you. (It was middle school that was semi-terrifying.) You opened your heart to people and formed some friendships that you'll always remember. You might be surprised to hear that although you'll keep in touch with a handful of friends, you are on the …
Weekend Reading for Moms
For some heartfelt, down-to-earth encouragement: Dear Mom on the Hard Days For a reminder that has stuck with me about savoring touch: The Power of a Parent's Touch For some motivation to engage your children's creativity: Creating Invitations to Play! For some screen time that will make …
The Think Outside the Box Box (printable)
As soon as I stumbled across this idea from Awesomely Awake, I knew I'd be giving it a try our home. As you probably know from experience, it takes a LOT of ideas to keep children entertained all day, especially if you have reason to stay inside your house—and especially if you're trying to break a …
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The Why (2)
A while ago, I told you that during the early brainstorming phases of Let Why Lead, I penned the question, "Why do I live?" in my journal. I already shared the first of four bullet points I came up with: "1. Because my Heavenly Father wanted me to experience life on earth and all that comes with it …
How vs. Why
One of the women I admire most in the world is someone I don't even know. I read her blog, 71 Toes. Shawni and her husband are extremely intentional parents, which is what I want to be. And because their kids are older than mine (about 5 to 15), her blog gives me a very real glimpse into how to …
I’m Back! And an August Recap
I'm excited to be at the keyboard again! Thank you for visiting today, even after my quiet August. Let me fill you in on my little vacation. In the past month, I have . . . Worked hard to perfect my applesauce-making skills. (Results forthcoming!) Bid goodbye to the terrible threes (which …