It’s hard to believe it is October 1st!
I think pumpkin tends to steal the show in the fall, but I love the fact that apples are on. Grocery stores begin stocking more varieties, and farmers markets fill up with crates of charmingly imperfect apples.
After all of last week’s marriage talk, we’re switching gears! So get ready to talk homemade roasted applesauce, sparking apple cider, and caramel apples gone wrong. To get all our apples in a row (haha), tomorrow I’ll be posting a guide to apple varieties. Hopefully you’ll be better armed next time you’re staring at twelve varieties at the supermarket!
Even though we’re in the middle of a typical indian summer (A high of 88 is about as hot as it ever gets around here!), I’m finally ready for fall to begin!
I hugged the pumpkins when I went to the store the other day. Hurray for fall! But I love love apples too. In fact, I just spent the weekend canning applesauce, apple cinnamon syrup and apple jelly. It looks so pretty and makes me so happy! We got some Jonagold apples from the Western slope and they are so delicious! We have all been in apple heaven! Can’t wait!
Yay for apples!
And according to the weather app on my iPhone – 95 degrees in San Mateo yesterday!! Sweltering! But pleasant in the 70s on the beach (doesn’t happen a lot up here, does it?)