In college I used to hide myself in bookstores.
As much as I loved the escape of fiction and the storytelling in a good memoir, the aisle that drew me in most held the journals and sketchbooks. I loved flipping through those empty pages, breathing in the smell and imagining who would fill them up.
I also kept my own notebook on me, so that if I came across an inspiring quote (often printed in journals), I could jot it down and keep it forever and ever!
Now I scribble my collection of quotes onto our family chalkboard, and I make images for The Life On Purpose community on Facebook and Instagram. I love doing it… almost as much as I love sequestering myself in a bookstore. 😉 (Introvert much?)
14 Inspiring Quotes for Women Doing Life on Purpose
These are for the word lovers. For the women trying to do a little better every day—and to love themselves while doing it. Sending love and fist bumps!!

1. So much of what we take in is about bigger, better, and more. But for some of us—calm, small, and quiet are all we need. “It’s okay to be happy with a calm life.”

2. It starts with you. Be kinder to yourself, and let it spill over from there. {photo credit}

3. Do you agree? “We can only love others as much as we love ourselves.” Brené Brown {photo credit}

4. A listening ear for a friend, a compliment for a stranger, a phone call to your mom, a hug for your child… Sometimes the small things ARE the big things.

5. Solid wisdom for both our kids and ourselves! “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” (Choose wisely.)

6. Be willing to tell your real stories. “Vulnerability is not weakness. It’s our greatest measure of courage.” Brené Brown

7. Choose happy. “There’s no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” {photo credit}

8. Be you, and good things will follow. “No one is you, and that is your superpower.” Elyse Santilli

9. Treasure the people who really see you. “When you start to see your worth, you’ll find it harder to spend time with people who don’t see it too.”

10. The best kind of workout!! “There’s no better exercise for the human heart than reaching down and lifting someone up.” John Holmes
Related: 22 Tiny Acts of Kindness You Can Do in the Middle of Your Day

11. Today, remember this: You are stronger than you think. “Maybe you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

12. Who doesn’t love that Emma Stone??

13. This has been my battle cry for years, and I’m going to keep at it! You don’t have to measure up to anyone else. You are already amazing. (Now go tell everyone around you!) Read here for more on finding the courage to live this way.

14. Such a powerful mind shift! {photo credit}
I hope you enjoyed this collection as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it!
Do You Feel Like You Have a Purpose?
The other day, a woman named Erin sent THIS to my inbox:
“I’m 36 years old and have no idea what my WHY is. Unlike other people around me, I don’t feel like my life has any great purpose. There’s nothing I can do that no one else can.”
I know that feeling—I think a lot of us do.
Nothing gives you more drive and fulfillment than a strong sense of purpose, but unfortunately, purpose is often… elusive.
For Erin, and for all of us, I created a free resource to help you thread together the themes of your life and—with some soul-searching and a bit of luck—uncover the purpose that’s been there all along.
Download my free worksheet—21 Questions to Discover Your Purpose—right here!
Top image: Apple of Our Eye Photography
I love this post so much, Erica! Thanks for sharing! Pinned to remember!
Thank you Erica, this is very nice. I ‘m new on your newsletter, and I find you helpful and refreshing. Greetings from Europe!
I’m so glad to hear that, Laura! Thank you!
Beautiful and soul stirring quotes… all of them… especially the one about being happy with a calm life… it connects so much… greetings from India
I’m happy they resonated, Sangeeta! All the best to you!
Thanks for sharing, Erica! ? Keep them coming!
I’m so happy to, Thet! Thanks for reading!
Thanks for sharing your quotes.
I’m so happy to, Lisa! Thank YOU!
Beautiful start to a day that was feeling like a struggle THANK YOU
I’m so glad to share a little hope. All the best, Sharon!
Beautiful reminders that life is beautiful!
My personal mantra. “Happiness is an inside job”.
I love that, Polly! I think I’m going to have to make it into an image like one of these! Thank you!