Guys. Post-vacation blues are real. After ten days in Utah with both of our families and an additional week with Ryan home from work (thank you, belated paternity leave), getting back to normal has not been pretty. The boys had grown used to adventure and outings and being entertained by cousins. Heavens, I had grown used to them being entertained by cousins! (Pictured above. Aren’t they beautiful?)
We’ve spent the last few days coming off the vacation high. Two weeks of less sleep than normal mean the boys have been quick to spring into tears or launch themselves onto the floor in utter despair. And on Tuesday, I would have liked to do the same thing!
Do you guys experience this? Any tips for coming out of it??
I can definitely relate! With different schedules, tons of activity and a new environment, it is so easy to get caught up in the whole vacation mode….Coming out of it of course is another story! I think it helps to try something new or just get them involved in a craft or little activity.. After we got home from a week at the beach, right away my kids started with “I’m so bored!” It was like they forgot how to just hang around at home! I pulled out some paints and paper and sat down and painted with them. We painted beach scene pictures and talked about what we did on vacation. Even though I didn’t need the extra chore of cleaning up the paint supplies (especially with that pile of laundry waiting), it was worth it because it helped them to switch gears a little. I hope things settle down at your house and I am glad you had time away with family. That is a beautiful picture!
Take care, Shelley
That is so sweet, Shelley! Your kids are lucky to have a mom who will pull out the paints and do it WITH them. I’m inspired to do the same.
Oh man, Erica, post-vacation blues are a real and terrible thing 🙂 I have no coping mechanisms except to wax nostalgic looking at vacation photos. We have a photo gallery wall so we like to swap out vacation photos for newer ones. It always makes me happy to look at it and remember the cool stuff we did. Good luck getting back into the swing of things!
That is a great picture! We’re feeling some of that but in a different way. With me in the hospital with L, the boys have been shuffled around to relatives and spent lots of time in the hospital this week. Our (flexible) schedules have been blown and the boys are getting cranky. I’m not looking forward to trying to start fresh and with a new baby. I try not to think about it yet…
YES. Hello me, in an alternate universe. Is it just me — why does it take forever to unpack? Does normal ever happen again? My only advice (as I say it to myself) is just roll with it and give yourself the time and space to recover.
Those cousins (and your children) ARE beautiful! How wonderful that they get along with their cousins so well. I don’t have any tips on how to come out of vacation mode–just wanted to say I’m thinking of you. Love you!
I can totally relate! I think it takes a few days to “snap” out of the funk! Once you find your routine again!
I feel your pain! It was nice having all the cousins together! Now our idea of fun and an outing is pretty much going to the grocery store (when Sierra gets to ride in that car shopping cart)! I miss those days of Cowabunga Bay and the aquarium and cousins and family. 🙁