It feels like I know them. I know which boy prefers soy milk to regular. I know at about what time my oldest will need help on the toilet. I know how many gogurts they can eat in a row and what time of day they’re most likely to fight.
You too, right? You know how much your little one loathes the carseat and how many ounces the baby drinks at each feeding. You know how they light up when daddy comes home or when you preheat the oven and pull out the mixer.
But I was recently struck by how much purpose it takes to really know your child. At a fire station tour the other day, I watched while all the kids took turns being lifted into the fire truck by two firemen. I think my oldest sat in that truck half a dozen times. But his younger brother wandered slightly in between both firemen, never making it known that he was ready for a turn. I can’t be sure, because he’s only two and half, but those little eyes—lit up with the magic of it all—told me that he was enthralled, but also a little unsure. This photo captures it so well.
After I nudged him to get in line and have his turn in the fire engine, I couldn’t stop thinking about what it means to know someone, especially someone who is just barely beginning to grown into the person he or she will be. I’ve watched my boys’ eyes a little more closely for the last week, searching for feelings I would often miss, and I’ve felt overwhelmed with the privilege of learning to know these children as they come to know themselves.
Erica, this is so beautiful. I know my son more than anyone else, but I also feel that I could know him so much better. I pray that I would watch his eyes a little more closely, “searching for feelings I would often miss”, too. I believe this is one the biggest things I could do to become a more intentional parent.
So sweet. Being a mother is an awesome job (most of the time). Its really special to see your kids with their own personality straight from birth! I can’t wait to see Sierra grow and see who she will become.