My boys were bouncing off the walls yesterday. As in, when my friend was leaving our house after an hour-long visit, she said, “I couldn’t really hear anything, but it was good to see you!” Toddler boys have ONE volume! (And I’ve got my work cut out for me, harnessing that energy.)
So rather than take out my frustrations on the boys, I pulled out this pan, which has been patiently waiting for me to attack it for at least a month. (Oops!)
I went to pinterest for a better solution than scouring for hours, and I found this tutorial via Apartment Therapy. You simply heat water and vinegar in the burnt pan until it comes to a boil. Throw in some baking soda, watch it fizz, and then scour. The only thing was that my pan was so beyond burned that I had to repeat the process three times! I still think it took much less time and got much cleaner than if I had just attempted scouring like a mad woman. AND I’ve used this same method on less severely burnt pans with quick success. So definitely check it out next time you leave less than a teaspoon of oil in a pan on the stove for half an hour. (Or is that just me?? I told you I was spacey!)
Also, I had to share another tip I found on saw on pinterest some time ago: adding a few drops of saline drops to mascara when it starts to get dry! I’ve started doing this and am SO happy to be able to make nice mascara last longer.
Have a great day, sweet readers! I feel so blessed that you regularly take a few moments to keep up with this blog! Thank you!
I love this idea!!!! The pan looks brand new.
Thanks for the tip- I’ll have to remember that next time (I’m sure there will be a next time!). The mascara tip is great- I’ve never thought of trying to extend the life of that expensive little tube. 🙂
Erica {let why lead}
Great, Sheila! Glad to help! haha
OH! I have to try that!! Thanks for sharing. Is it wrong that I’m actually looking forward to doing this?
Erica {let why lead}
Not at all! I highly recommend waiting for a day when your kids are driving you a bit crazy—It’s so satisfying, and sometimes you just need that!