I’m so excited to introduce you to my brand-new show—
Life On Purpose with Erica Layne, a podcast to help overwhelmed women find focus and peace
Find it on… Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Overcast | Stitcher
In case you’re new around here… I’m Erica, founder of The Life On Purpose Movement, bestselling author, and a mom of three. I know what it’s like to get so busy meeting everyone else’s needs that you forget to meet your own.
Through this podcast, I want to give you full permission to slow down, let go, invest in yourself, and believe that you are enough just as you are.
My Story
Nine years ago, I sat in a second-hand rocker while my little kids played on the floor in front of me and the sun set through the window behind me. I was hundreds of miles away from our extended family, working part-time from home and raising our kids while my husband traveled heavily for his job.
I was trying so hard to be everything for everyone in my life, and I was overwhelmed. (Maybe this feeling is familiar?)
In that moment, it all just felt like too much.
Too many toys to pick up off the living room floor. Too many commitments to people who weren’t even in my immediate circle. Too many phone calls to make and errands to run…
Too much.
It was then—in that quiet moment on the rocker—that I felt a sudden rush of comfort wash over me. I felt myself being pulled toward a simpler way of life, and I was ready to jump in with both feet.
In the years since then, I donated most of what we owned. I decided to focus my energy on the things that matter most to me—family, faith, and creativity—and I let go of almost everything else.
I found margin in my life—the space to be lighthearted with my kids, enjoy time in nature, and take naps just because.
I want this for you, too. (Especially the part about naps!)
You have the ability to live a focused, peaceful life; I’m just the girl who’s gonna help you look inside and open it.
What You Can Expect
Each week on this podcast, I’ll rotate through a handful of segments to help you find more focus and peace in your life.
Segments like… “a try-on session,” where we try a new THOUGHT on for size and see how it fits. OR… “an off-ramp,” where I share something I see women doing that I’d love for you to QUIT.
Other segments will cover self-care, decluttering, and the occasional “introvert’s corner,” where I’ll share an idea just for the “quiet ones” among us.
What This Podcast WON’T Be
Here are a few things you won’t hear on Life On Purpose with Erica Layne:
- A lecture from someone who has it alllll figured out. (I definitely do not.)
- A kick-in-the-pants form of tough love. (We’re all about self-acceptance here.)
- A slow amble. (Your time is incredibly valuable, and I plan to respect that by keeping each episode as focused as I hope your life will become.) 😉
Please Subscribe!
Our first few episodes will drop soon, but until then, can I ask you to do one thing? 🙏
Please visit your favorite podcast app and hit the SUBSCRIBE button! Here’s the link to the podcast via some of the more popular apps:
Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Overcast | Stitcher
This will help make sure you never miss an episode!
Thanks so much for your support, and remember: “You’re doing the best you can with what you have, and it is enough.”
I’ll talk to you soon!