It's the end of the week, and my brain feels a bit foggy. Motherhood will do that to you. My friends and I often joke about how we feel like we no longer know how to use big words and or sustain a fluid conversation. Something to do with spending 12 hours a day talking to toddlers . . . So for …
All You Ever Needed to Know About Soothing a Baby
I often wish I had never read a single book about babies. Babywise. Happy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. The Happiest Baby on the Block. Secrets of The Baby Whisperer. I've read them all. I suppose that if pressed, I wouldn't trade the information I've gained from them, but with it comes an undeniable …
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Full Circle
A few nights ago, I came full circle. You see, for months, while I anticipated the arrival of our baby, I sang to her in the shower. I did this while I was expecting all three of my babies, actually. To me it was a way for the baby to get to know my voice—and for me to feel closer to that new …
12 Reasons It’s Okay to Not Love Breastfeeding
I was nursing at a park the other day when my friend who also has a newborn came and sat beside me. She joked right away about how she doesn't particularly like nursing, and I burst into a smile! In my experience, it's not often that women voice that admission. I'm in the same camp as my friend. Of …
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A Day in the Life
I had so much fun hosting the giveaway! I can't thank you enough for participating—and for the unexpected but much appreciated kind words and encouragement! Our winner (randomly generated, I swear!) happens to be the only male who entered! Congrats to Lukas Hagman! I hope your mom enjoys the …
Let’s Brainstorm! Boys and Rough Play
I'm excited to be linking up with CoffeeDate, where you video yourself talking about what's on your mind, as if you're on a coffee date with a friend. So if you have one minute and fifteen seconds to laugh at my weird mannerisms on video, press play! My boys are …
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