If someone asked you right now to look into a mirror and say "I love myself" out loud, would it make you feel uncomfortable? Maybe a bit squirmy? The other night, as I tucked our five- and seven-year old boys into their bunk beds, I asked them to say it out loud: "I love myself." They had …
Let Them Learn | at Simple As That
If you're the mom brushing back tears at school drop-off this year, this post is for you! Last weekend, my husband took our five- and seven-year-old boys on a hike while our toddler and I stayed behind. To my amazement, the boys hiked TEN miles with 2,000 feet in elevation gain, landing them at …
What I Wish I’d Mastered as a New Mom | On the Deseret News
If you're in the trenches of motherhood and are completely in the dark about how to increase your life satisfaction, this is for you. There were days when I lived to put the kids down and then could do nothing more than curl up in bed with my good friends Pillow and Netflix. Years, in fact. I …
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A Time We’ll Never Get Back
Most of the time, she is a far cry from the tiny person I met when the nurses first set her in my arms. She cruises on a balance bike like she is a Boss. She elbows her way into her brothers' wrestling matches and wields big eyes and a soft voice—her most powerful tools—like an old pro. She can …
I used to worry…
Sunday night musings about life and family and love... I used to worry that if I didn't have more children, Quinn (our youngest) would never have what her two older brothers share: each other. I worried she'd always be the odd one out, partly because she's a girl and partly because she's not quite …
8 Unique & Meaningful Activities for Family Gatherings
Are you hosting any family gatherings this summer? I really enjoyed writing this post for my friend Rebecca at Simple As That. I hope you'll take a moment to follow me over! For years, it was my grandpa—the one with the quiet manner and the undeniable sparkle in his eyes—who would don a …
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