Do you know those days when—although nothing went "wrong"—you still feel like you lost? Failed. Came up short. For me, those days look like every other day—school drop-offs and pick-ups, a handful of bottles for the baby, a round of Candyland in the afternoon, the bedtime rush. I may have taken a …
9 Tricks for Making Amazing Homemade Pizza
If there are two things I can do in life, it's pizza and banana bread. And maybe tomato soup. Over the last eight years, I've devoted a lot of time to perfecting the art of homemade pizza, and I figured I could save you some trial and error by passing along what I've learned. Besides, what mom …
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What I Learned in March
1. We live in a beautiful place. When I get discouraged about how hard it is to settle down in the Bay area (because of the insane real estate market), it always helps to get out and explore. We had a pretty glorious March, so we really lived it up on the weekends. (You should come visit me!) 2. 10 …
My Favorite Children’s Book You’ve Never Heard Of
Isn't it amazing the emotion a children's book can carry? I can already tell that when I stumble across Harry and the Terrible Whatzit when my kids are grown, I'm going to break down in tears and then hopefully RUN to read it my grandchildren. :) It's a thrilling little story of a boy who believes …
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Warnings & Tips for the Soon-to-Be Mom of Many
Does our oldest son's mind look sufficiently blown in this picture? I think that's right about how every mom feels during her first month of having two, three or more kids. :) Right after I had our third baby, I wrote this post with tips on making it through the first weeks with a newborn and older …
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The One-Dimensional Mom
Right now, I am one dimensional to my children. To them, I'm the woman who assembles their lunches and listens to their stories and shampoos their hair (even though they despise it). To them, I'm the woman who likes to retreat to a quiet room and (gasp) can remember the days before the …