It's the way Chase says "super" all the time but pronounces it "shooper." It's how—in his most serious voice—he says, "I'm shooper fast." Then a moment later, as if it has honestly never occurred to him before (and believe me, it has): "I'm fast as Flash!" It's the way Trenton still pronounces …
Marriage Diaries: The Weight of Our Vows
I hope you'll give a warm welcome to Cari from Dugans in Cahoots today! I first came across her blog through a post that lit social media up: We can't be friends. Since then, I've been touched by many others she has written (especially this one), and I'm so happy to have her be a part of the …
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How to Be a Mom and a Neat Freak at the Same Time
Disclaimer: I don’t know that I’d actually call myself a neat freak. My bathrooms go longer in between cleanings than I’d like, and I don’t even remember the last time I looked closely at the inside of the stove. (It’s less painful if you don’t look too closely…) BUT clutter makes my eye twitch. …
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Work is Love Made Visible
I referenced this quote in Tuesday's post, For the Days When You Lose, and since it has been on my mind all week, I put together this little graphic. Such wise words. You're doing a great work, ladies! We've got family coming into town, so we're sure to have some beautiful adventures outdoors this …
The Marriage Diaries | Round Two
It's not a good sign when you're upset with your husband IN YOUR DREAMS, I wrote in a journal 18 months ago. I'm not even mad at him in real life! I flipped to the previous page of that journal and noticed this: He worked until 2:30am Monday night. He was out of town last night, and I think he's …
10 Rules for When Your Wife Becomes a Mom
I had forty weeks to transition into being a mom. At the first sound of that steady woosh woosh, the thump of a flat tire that was our son’s heartbeat, my heart got in sync with his. My husband, on the other hand, didn’t experience the reassuring taps of a baby who was running out of room or feel …
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