I love that nesting instinct. I've waited for it every pregnancy, and it has never failed me. The first time, I was solely concerned with getting the baby's room and things in order. The next time, I went on an organizing rampage. No drawer in our house was safe! This time, I'm itching to tackle it …
Stories Make Life Shine: “I’m here.”
My feet hit the floor at almost the exact moment that I hear his anguished cry. I know it's likely just a fleeting bad dream, but even before I'm fully conscious, I know I want to be there. He's standing—my beautiful four-year-old—next to his bed, blankie in hand. Bewildered, and with a few stray …
Recreational Companionship 2.0
My boys' recreational companionship for their dad just stepped up a notch! #myfouryearoldhasadirtbike #whydidntIseethiscoming #maybewebelonginthecountry …
Estate Sale Hopping
It's been too long since we talked design around here! On a whim last weekend my boys and I visited an estate sale in an upscale nearby community, Hillsborough, California. The items for sale were interesting—huge old trunks, scores of vintage lace, more than a dozen authentic cow hides—but what …
The Makings of an Unforgettable Life List
A great bucket list needs a little of everything. This is the formula I ran with for ours: Something wild. Something ridiculous. Something attainable. Something that feels like a longshot. Something broadening. And something gracious. A couple of caveats: Initially I planned to share "our" list, …
Continue Reading about The Makings of an Unforgettable Life List
Sometimes I fear that I'm too much of a realist to be a dreamer. I squelch my dreams because I don't want to feel that ache that sometimes comes with longing for something you're not sure you'll ever obtain. I am grounded in the now, partly out of fear, partly for survival, and partly because I …