I had so much fun hosting the giveaway! I can’t thank you enough for participating—and for the unexpected but much appreciated kind words and encouragement! Our winner (randomly generated, I swear!) happens to be the only male who entered! Congrats to Lukas Hagman! I hope your mom enjoys the earrings! Now on to our regularly scheduled programming. 🙂
If I could sit next to you and listen to the play-by-play of your typical day, I totally would. I mean it. As monotonous as they can feel, the activities that fill our days say so much about the stage of life we’re in and how well we’re rising to it. A typical day around here looks something like this . . .
Wake up to feed the little lady.
Wait for the boys’ alarm clock to sound, letting them out of their room at 7:20.
Feed the others. Lately Chase likes to pull his chair as close as possible to Trenton’s.
Get all four of us dressed. Read some blogs and clean up breakfast while the boys watch a PBS show.
Get the boys to do their chores. Trenton unloads the silverware; Chase wipes the table down.
Load everyone into the van to take T to preschool. Admire the spring wisteria lining our parking lot.
At best, the above picture is how Quinn feels about the carseat.
Chat with girlfriends at preschool pickup. Drive home.
Discover a snail outside our patio!
Have lunch and clean up.
Have quiet time. The boys take turns watching each other play on the ipad in their room.
(They do the more educational games on weekdays and just-plain-fun games on weekends.)
During my one hour off, I take care of Quinn, work on my blog, or attempt a quick power nap.
After quiet time, we play on the patio and in their room.
This day, they played bball with balloons . . .
And made a house of leaves for Stanley the Snail, who migrated to our patio.
We also silenced a fire alarm for someone who had burned toast.
(I’m an apartment manager in my “spare” time. 🙂
Play more in their room. Watch another PBS show or two. Afternoons are long.
Make dinner, and eat around 5:30, almost always before Daddy gets home.
Eat homemade granola bars for dessert.
Bathe the boys (which does not happen daily!), then watch them squeeze into a laundry hamper. 🙂
Shoo the crazy boys to bed, er, lovingly tuck them in. (Depends on the day.)
Hang out with cute Quinn and wait for Ryan to get home from work, usually between 7 and 8.
Convince Quinn to go to sleep, between 7:30 and 9:30. (It still varies a lot because she’s little!)
Go to bed shortly after!
Whether in a journal or your own blog, I hope you record your own typical day!
Awesome. Our days sounds pretty similar. But how do you get them to share the iPad. We can sometimes get them to take turns but mostly it turns into a hit fest. I think I’d better do this someday.
That is a good question! And honestly, I have no idea! They are really used to the routine. Trenton always goes first, because when I tell him it’s time to give it to Chase, he actually does. Being younger, Chase resists more, so I’d rather deal with him at the end of the hour than in the middle of it. I’m guessing that your boys will get better at it with practice and as they get just a bit older. Good luck!
Love this. Sounds so familiar! Our afternoons drag so much too and then as soon as I start making dinner all hell breaks loose! I love knowing I am not alone in my tiny routine feeding, changing, and playing with little ones all day!
You are definitely not alone! From SF to London, we’re both wrangling little hellions at dinner time every night! 🙂 Love it!
Your kids are adorable! I remember those days and am shocked that you can get your boys to stay in their room for an hour of quiet time without killing each other. I don’t think mine could have managed that! I bet you are a tired momma at the end of the day. You should be!
I so enjoyed reading about your day! It’s great “visiting” with you via your blog.
Your children are so adorable! I don’t think I ever congratulated you on the new baby! How precious! Your home is just filled with so much love. Enjoy these precious times. My boys are already 9 and almost 7. Those early years go by so fast!
Thanks so much, Shelley! I’m definitely doing my best to soak it in! Great to hear from you!
I love this. Its fun to imagine your routine. If only I lived closer to you and our days could cross paths! (And I’m dying to hold that cute little Quinn!)
Precious pictures!
You know just how to make me smile and lift my spirits! Thanks for sharing !