It’s not a good sign when you’re upset with your husband IN YOUR DREAMS, I wrote in a journal 18 months ago. I’m not even mad at him in real life!
I flipped to the previous page of that journal and noticed this:
He worked until 2:30am Monday night. He was out of town last night, and I think he’s coming home tonight, but it’s 9pm and I haven’t heard from him since we dropped him off at the airport yesterday morning.
I wasn’t “mad” because this was our life at the time, and I’d had a few years of practice accepting it. 🙂 But when I recently read that line about being upset with him in my dreams, I remembered that I had dreamed about having no support. No backup, no safety net.
In real life, I actually did have him to fall back on, and he would have jumped if I’d needed him. But it’s not hard to see why my subconscious was playing out feelings of being alone.
Connection is elusive—whether it’s because your husband is traveling or because you’ve fallen (even briefly) into the roles of roommates and co-parents.
I think every couple experiences it, for a hundred different reasons. Sometimes it creeps up so slowly you don’t notice its onset. And sometimes it sits like a weight on your chest, as you watch happy couples mingling around you in the halls at church or as you rock a sleeping baby and think about how you want to give that child the best example of a marriage that you can.
This is why I love the Marriage Diaries so much. It is a chance for all of us to hear that we aren’t alone.
Over the next few months, we’ll be hearing seven beautiful women answer the question, “What is one thing that has surprised and challenged you about marriage?”
Our goal is to help women feel more normal and less alone in their relationship struggles.
The writers:
Cari Dugan – Dugans in Cahoots
Casey Leigh Wiegand – Casey Leigh
Jessi Connolly – Naptime Diaries
Katie E. – Wonderfully Made
Tara Lowry – Between Me & You
Jessi – Cherishing Hopes & Dreams
Kaitlyn Wifey – Wifessionals
A great way to keep up with the series is through our Pinterest board:
Follow Erica Layne | Let Why Lead’s board The Marriage Diaries on Pinterest.
Thank you all so much for reading and for chiming in on our discussions! I have a good feeling about round two.
Linked up with Grace at Home, the Pin-It Party, and On Your Heart.
Erica, I am so excited and honored to be a part of the upcoming Marriage Diaries series. And I love this new link up!
HONORED to be part of this with you.
What a great post today! Sharing it on IG.
I’m so happy to have you participating, and I look forward to getting to know you better through your beautiful blog! Have a great night, Tara!
Oh wow thank you for that comment! I am a tad bit, what’s the word, star struck. I am like you when it comes to doing link ups and such things like that only when you are passionate about the subject. There is only one other link up I do right now and that’s Casey’s “on your heart” link up. I’m soooo excited to see she’s taking part in your marriage diaries!