9,855. That’s the number of meals I’ve served my children since becoming a mom. The way I see it, even when we eat with extended family or go out to a restaurant, I’m still dishing up their plates, cutting food into smaller bites, keeping them from knocking an entrée to the ground, etc. So …
3 Secrets of Joyful Motherhood
As a young mother of three children, ages four, two, and six weeks, there was no such thing as a typical day. Every day was an adventure. Some felt like an exciting journey of joyful discovery while others were more like being trapped inside of a hurricane. It had been one of those whirlwind …
42 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Absolutely Loved
From down the hallway, I could only see his feet. I could tell that my husband was kneeling down, and I heard his voice as I dabbed on some concealer. "Do you guys know how much we love you?" he said to our kids. "We love you more than anything. We love you no matter what. If someone isn't nice to …
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4 Photos to Take on Your Next Bad Day
She’s just come to me for about the gazillionth time on a lazy Sunday afternoon asking for another snack. “I’m starrrrrrrrrrrrrving…..!!!!!!!” she proclaims, hands on her stomach doubled over in a dramatic display. I give my husband the look. The one where he knows I’m about to lose my everlovin' …
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Power of Perspective: A Lesson from My Darkest Moment as a Mom
Sinking into the chair beside my four-year-old son's hospital bed with a heavy sigh, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, and it threatened to crush me. It had been months since he started limping. Back then, I thought he may have fallen and twisted his ankle. He was, after all, only …
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Today I’ll Press Pause
Not long ago I had the privilege of watching someone who seemed to have really figured out how to slow life down. I had passed the kids to my husband for the day and headed to the oceanside community of Pacific Grove, California, to write and enjoy some time to myself. (Because, introvert.) I …