"Here. Let me hand you my flailing child and then walk calmly away while I listen to him crying out for me." Easy enough, right? Wrong. Last week was my son's second swimming lesson. The first time, he spent a few minutes clinging to my arm before he worked up the courage to step in. This …
Grasscloth Roundup
Thank you for your fantastic feedback earlier this week!! I'm feeling good about sticking to what I really care about, which is the thoughtful posts on marriage, motherhood & life, but I'm also glad to hear that most of you don't mind a little variety too. So in keeping with that, I've got a bit …
Help Wanted!
I always like hearing your opinions; today I need them. Two simple questions - I'd love for you to take a minute to answer! 1. Why do you read Let Why Lead? 2. What kind of posts do you like most, and why? FYI, my most regular categories are motherhood, marriage maintenance, and home …
Berry Picking and Marking Time
Do you have a yearly summer activity that makes you want to go back and pull up the pictures from the previous year, just to see how your family has grown and changed? That's how I feel about berry picking with my young family. I can't help but think back to the previous summers' adventures while …
Stories Make Life Shine: Pain
I'm only paces behind my young son when he steps onto a footstool next to the sink of our hotel room. I watch, helpless—too far away to catch him but close enough to witness it—as the stool instantly slips out from under him, sending him sprawling backward. The full weight of his body falls on the …
Let Why Lead on Facebook
In case you missed it in either the title or the graphic, Let Why Lead is now on Facebook! I occasionally share posts on my personal facebook page, but I don't want to bother friends of mine who aren't interested in regular updates. So if you ARE interested, please hop over and "like" the page in …