We joked that my first son was born angry. I spent hours in our pitch-black laundry room, rocking-swaying-bouncing him to the hum of the running dryer. As it turns out, he was just born hungry! Prior to Trenton's birth, breastfeeding was never a decision for me; it was a given. But I never really …
5 Things I Say All the Time
As a mom, I find myself saying a handful of things over and over. There are the usuals, like "Did you wash your hands?" and "Who had it first?" And there are the ones that would be slightly embarrassing if someone overheard, like number two on this list. Here are five that I've been hearing myself …
Dear Quinn
You know how sometimes, as moms, we get caught up in who wants which sippy cup and who needs to get to which activity at what time? Sometimes the hustle of motherhood keeps us from experiencing it. I find that pulling out my journal and jotting down a quick letter to one of my children helps me see …
What Motherhood Looks Like Here (video)
I've been thinking lately about what motherhood looks like, here in my home and over at yours. I think it was writing my "we're just moms" post that got me going. :) Motherhood over here probably looks a lot like it does over there. Messes, naps, toys, dishes, snuggles, smiles. It's profoundly …
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Back to School! For Both Moms and Kids
I'm spending the week doing the only possible thing I could be doing right now—gushing about how in the world we're taking this little face to kindergarten tomorrow. I always thought I would be so ready for this day. After all, five years is a long time. And Trenton and I earned every single …
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I Am Just a Mom
We are just moms. Every so often, a friend of mine who doesn't have children yet tells me that I am "such a good mom." I occasionally hear it other places, too. Like from my husband on Mother's Day or from my mom when I'm feeling defeated. Unfortunately, those sweet, well-intended words usually set …