Maybe we know each other better than we think we do... You can find the rest of this post at Simple As That. I can imagine you, doing all the same things I'm doing. Pushing the grocery cart with one hand because that crafty baby keeps escaping the flimsy seatbelt. Texting with …
Why It Means Everything When You Notice My Baby
If you stoop down and catch her eyes, she will smile at you all the way to her toes. And my three-year-old? He'll show you his superman sunglasses and launch into a monologue that you may not understand, while my five-year-old blurts out that he's in kindergarten (because he's just that …
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Acknowledging my inner critic and the moms I know who are going through really hard things
I once ziplined over a gorge in Africa. I made a running start and flew headfirst, arms outstretched, with nothing but a hundred feet of air below me. (Aside: This is the same girl who was nervous to talk to sales clerks in high school.) Now I write here, a few times a week, from the comfort of …
8 Ways to Foster Siblings Who PLAY Together
Alternate title: How to Encourage Sibling Bonding :) I mean it when I say I can't think of anything I have enjoyed more about motherhood than watching our children's relationships unfold. Eighteen months apart, our boys have never really known being without each other. When someone asks the …
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8 Quotes for Your Chalkboard: L-O-V-E
With Valentine's around the corner, I've been filling our family chalkboard with words about love! Interestingly, I noticed when searching for love quotes that I disagree with a ton of them! Maybe that would make a good future post—Quotes About Love that I DON'T BUY (& Why). That said, I did …
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3 Gripes with Motherhood + 9 Strategies for Beating Them
I notice that the same few things continually put me on edge as a mom: nonexistent personal space, constant noise, and bedtime burnout. (You too?) Today I'm sharing three strategies for dealing with each—for a total of nine sanity-saving ideas. I don't manage to do any of these all the time, but …
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